Her move-set changes along with world, adding range and damage depending on the location. Naruto to Boruto CyberConnect2, the developer behind the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series, recently posted a question and answer video focusing on its potential plans for future Naruto titles (thanks PS360HD2). 1, reveals three upcoming DLC packs that include new characters, costumes, secret combos and additions to the adventure of Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. News Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 5 Isnt Happening Says Dev, But Cant Comment on a New Boruto Game.
The issue, which comes out on Monday, Feb. She instead has the ability to change the world around her to sand, ice, or fire. The upcoming issue of Weekly Shonen Jump revealed three upcoming DLC packs for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. Kaguya is unique in that she can fully exploit them all by changing the world you’re fighting in.Īll characters have access to ninja tools except for Kaguya. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 introduces several new features, one of them being elemental effects. She also has some really powerful melee combos, but that’s not what makes her special. Like Tenten, Kaguya has an extended ranged combo, except her final attack its in 360 degrees. But she still manages to be the most unique character in the entire game, as well as remaining extremely dangerous. She wasn’t exactly around for very long and her fight against the protagonists didn’t shine as much as previous ones. She’s included in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 because of her major part in the narrative, but fans of the manga/anime never really took a liking to her. Kaguya isn’t exactly a fan-favorite character. With most fighters (even some of the really powerful ones) being completely useless once you step a few paces away, and Awakened forms being huge threats, having someone so versatile to switch to helps out a lot. This character also makes a great addition for support.
That means you can toss it out, but if an enemy rushes too soon, they’ll still get the full brunt of the attack. She’s also one of the few whose jutsu has a delayed effect if it misses. She also happens to be equally efficient at hand-to-hand combat, as well, allowing her to handle herself against a rushing opponent. Her particular fighting style allows for huge, ranged combos thanks to her scroll of weapons. Tenten brings variety to any formation and she’s a formidable ninja on her own. However, it turns out that she’s one of the best people to have on your team. For that reason, you may not expect her to be so useful while playing Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. She never played a huge role in the manga/anime compared to the other kunoichi in the series. Tenten is one of those ninjas that is easily looked over.