How to double space on microsoft word online
How to double space on microsoft word online

this will help save passwords and you won’t have to reenter it every time you want to edit a document. There is also an option to download the app. The files saved on one drive will show up after you have logged in. Go to and select the file that needs to be edited. To format texton word online on your mobile device.


With smartphones becoming the epicenter of businesses as well as studies here is a quick guide on how to format a word online document using double space. Read How to delete a document in word online? How to double space in word online from an Android device? In this manner, you can easily change the line spacing of an online word document on your Mac system. This menu has a various options available you can either choose double or another option if required. In the Line spacing menu select Double.Once you have the text selected go to the Format menu.Step 4: A Paragraph dialog box will appear on the screen. Click on the paragraph option on this list. Step 3: Right-click on the selected paragraph, a list of options will appears on the screen.

how to double space on microsoft word online

If you need to double space only a portion of the text simply select by clicking and dragging the cursor across the text that needs to be selected. Step 2: Highlight or select the paragraph in which you want to enable the double spacing. This can be done by clicking Select All from the Edit menu. If you need to double space the entire document remember to select the entire text.You can either choose to save your password or not.

how to double space on microsoft word online

This will require logging into your Microsoft account. Whatever the reason is, the process is simple when you know where to look. There are several reasons you might wish to adjust the spacing between paragraphs in your documents.

  • Open the word online document on your mac system. For more detailed information about line spacing, see our article Double Spacing in Microsoft Word How to Start and Stop It.
  • Here is how you can change the line spacing of a Microsoft word document and add double spacing. Microsoft word documents are used in almost every office, school, or organization hence having a Mac need not be the reason why you cannot edit or format a document. Read How to add page numbers in word online? How to double space Microsoft word documents for Mac?

    How to double space on microsoft word online